Welcome to
Fresh Onsets ~
New Beginnings
and this wild journey we call life! My name is Sarah, and I am soon to be divorced—mother to two. This blog is all about the changes I make in my life and the new things I try—you know those 5,000 pins you have on Pinterest, but everybody else says ICK!—yeah, those.
Navigating real life Professional nine to fiver—uh, is that a thing? I am usually 6-4, but you know what I mean. Mama to high school aged-over involved, but not involved enough, twins. Finally single after almost 19 years of marriage (kind of)—finding some time on my hands—at least that is what I am told.
There are three distinct areas that I plan to capture in this blog. 1. Drinks, 2. Food, 3. Empty Nest—kind of. All my blogs will be from drinks, recipes, and other Fresh Onsets I try along the way, mixed in with my daily life, good and bad, as I navigate this new life and new beginnings before me.
Welcome to the Shit show! I hope you brought some alcohol or at least some recipes to share! I joke, but I know there will be times this will be accurate! Truly welcome to my little space of the net; glad to have you along for the ride!
I am far from an alcoholic—really, truly anything over 2 drinks—and you are my best friend forever! I have a whole stack of drinks I want to try, but if you have suggestions, let me know. I am open. Drop a note below or leave a comment on one of my posts!
My go-to drink is a whiskey old fashion—sweet. Love me some muddled cherries! Amaretto Sours are also a big one that I enjoy. Time though to try some Fresh Onsets!
There are very few drinks I don’t like—beer, I just can’t do it, and whatever it is that tastes like pine needles, I think it is Gin. Ha, I just can’t—the taste of Christmas trees just doesn’t sound appealing—what am I missing here, people? Looking forward to tasting and experimenting
Do you have Pinterest? Man, my pins are stacking up; either I don’t have time or the family says ICK! I also watch TikToks and screen capture recipes; potentially I will be reviewing some of those as well.
All the recipes I see with live videos people rave about, but I have made a few and they were not great. I have zero qualms about giving honest reviews. I am a busy mama, trying to find the best food for the shortest time and sometimes easiest on my pocketbook.
Finally, I have a few recipes that are just my time-saving favorites that I will share as well. If you have a recipe you would like me to try, please feel free to message me below or comment on one of my posts!
Empty Nest -Kind of
This is probably the scariest section for me. I want to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I am not an empty nester yet—still living with my ex and kids—eventually this will change, but I am starting my journey now!
My daughter has been kind to try to push me off the couch—because honestly, some days are so hard and the couch is my best friend. But we are trying new things.
I have been checking out things on Facebook to see what types of events are in my area. Have some fun ones coming up!
Again, I am open to suggestions. If you think there is a class or something I should try, let me know and I will check it out!